Agricultural Building Allowed on Appeal in West Lancashire Green Belt

Steven Abbott Associates LLP has won an interesting appeal in relation to a scheme for the erection of a specialist agricultural building in West Lancashire.

The proposed building, which is to be used in connection with the breeding of rare breed pigs, is located within the Green Belt and West Lancashire Borough Council refused the application on the grounds that the siting of the proposed building would result in harm to the openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt.

Steven Abbott Associates argued that based on the judgement in Lee Valley Regional Park Authority v Epping Forest District Council & Anor agricultural buildings are appropriate development in the Green Belt by virtue of paragraph 89 of the NPPF, therefore the proposed building cannot be considered to impact on the openness of the Green Belt.  The Inspector agreed with this view.

The Inspector considered the main issue in the appeal to be the effect of the building on the character and appearance of the area.  In determining the appeal he concluded that the building would not cause material harm to the character and appearance of the area and would be in keeping with the areas rural character.

Harry Tonge, Senior Planner at Steven Abbott Associates, said:

“The decision reiterates the point that agricultural buildings are appropriate in the Green Belt and cannot be considered to impact on openness or the purposes of land being included within the Green Belt.”

The full decision can be read by clicking here.

For further information on Steven Abbott Associates LLP's expert team and the services provided please contact us on 01257 251177 or via email.

(March 2017)