Government Publishes Draft National Planning Policy Framework

The Government has published its draft for the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which aims to cut the current range of PPS’s and PPG’s down to a single policy document.

The document is described by the Department for Communities and Local Government as:

“A new, simpler framework for the planning system that safeguards the environment while meeting the need for sustainable growth.”

Under the proposed policies Local Planning Authorities will be required to identify additional land for housing. On top of the existing 5-year supply of housing land they will also be required to identify an additional 20 percent to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.

The draft document also states that the presumption in favour of sustainable development should be seen as the ‘golden thread’ running through both plan making and decision making.

The draft policies also emphasise the continued importance of the protection of the Green Belt.

The 12 week consultation period for the draft NPPF runs until 17th October 2011.

The document can be downloaded from the DCLG website by clicking here.

If you would like to find out more about the NPPF or any other planning issues click here to contact us or call 01257 251177.

(July 2011)